5 Reasons Social Media Is Important For SEO

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What does social media have to relate to SEO? At MWI, we get lots of questions from our customers who are currently or are considering becoming clients. Social media is a rapidly growing channel for marketing that most companies have only started making use of in the last few years, however it's essential to utilize it - especially if you're investing funds into SEO. While the benefits of social media may not seem immediately apparent, they're vital for SEO support. Out of the numerous reasons you should think about social media as part of your online strategy, here are 5 reasons why it's crucial for SEO.

1.) Social Media Signals
It's not a secret that Google, Bing, and other search engines utilize online conversations as part of their algorithm for ranking. A social engagement happens when people comment, like or share tweets about a piece of content. The more social interactions a piece of content is able to get, the more social signals it will bring to your website. Search engines analyze these signals from social media, and consider it a quality factor when ranking content. It's a way of evaluating what content people find useful and what their algorithm decides is of good quality. If something receives a lot of social shares It can be quickly classified.

2.) Link Building
There are no more days of going out and asking for websites to link to your site. Google's Panda/Penguin algorithms have forced SEOs to linkbuild the traditional way: create good quality content that is pertinent. What is the best way to reach websites that will link to your content, when asking them directly would be considered "unnatural"? Social media is the solution. Social media lets you publish your content to appropriate audiences that are willing to share it with others, when it's worthy of linking to. These people may also be able to share your content with their network which increases the power of your content.

3) The amplifying of content
You can write all the good-quality content that you wish to, but it won't gain any traction without amplifying it. Sure, email marketing is an excellent way to increase the reach of your content, but it'll only be able to reach people who are in your database of marketing. Social media lets you reach new audiences with your content. If you share your content, the people who follow you will connect with their friends should they find it valuable. These people will then be able to share your content with their followers, شراء متابعين تويتر increasing your reach. Additionally, you will gain relevant traffic, inbound linking, social signals, and brand recognition, all of which can be utilized by search engines for content assessment of quality.

content amplification lifecycle

4) Brand Awareness and Signals
Brand recognition and brand identity can tell search engines a lot about the quality of your site's content and how much it should be considered reliable in their ranking algorithms. Social media aids in building brand recognition and boosts the visibility of the content you publish. This is what Google calls co-citation. These co-citations are built through social media to improve Google's credibility and aid in search results that are branded.

5.) Social Indexing
Since search engines are able to index social media accounts and display them on search results pages. This lets your company's brand appear in search results for search queries that are branded and not exclusive to your site. It gets even better. Tweets that were individual from Twitter were once indexed and displayed in search results. This allowed your content to be more prominent in searches. That was only temporary for a couple of months until Google decided to discontinue this feature, which is still in effect. Google will once again show tweets in search results, so it's important to leverage it for getting your content ranked.