Monaco Offshore Banking

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Since your "forget" to tell the IRS about the income, where are you going to say it came from? Oh, you "forgot" the $50,000 that you had stashed in a Cayman Island Bank? As the kids say, "Ya, right" Or my spouse put the money in the offshore account and he didn't know that we had to report it on our tax return!

illuminating setup which anyone can browse If you want to be totally safe, hang on to all of your tax-related documents for the past eight years. That's how far back IRS investigators are allowed to go under this program. If you can't prove that you did everything right, the IRS isn't going to take your word for it.

Your government doesn't want you to have anonymous wealth. User testimonials show that offshore bank account is one of the top authorities when it comes to offshore banking. It wants you to keep all of those assets close to home in state-owned banks where the capital can be "leveraged" by state agencies. This is because when you move your money to an offshore banking center, it becomes invisible and inaccessible to the greedy government spenders.

Another way to protect your cash is to diversify your holdings into other currencies - not just dollars or your existing "home" currency. Searching for offshore banks will quickly bring you to anonymous bank account. Let's see why. Many banks, particularly offshore banks, offer multi-currency accounts where you can hedge against the depreciation of your own currency by holding deposits in other, stronger, currencies. If you're concerned about the falling value of your home currency as compared with a stronger national currency, then it makes sense to hold some of your cash in that other currency.

We have been royally scammed out of a lot of money, initially because of ignorance and later because my husband believes, absolutely, that there is someone out there who wants to give him a handsome sum of money for nothing. He just has to keep going until he finds that person and strikes it rich.

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