Computer Repair is a Necessary Evil

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If you know anything about computers, you probably know at least a few of the people on this list. These five guys are some of the most important people in the history of computers and software, men whose work is impacting your life even as you read this. These guys are real history makers. Let’s meet them.

Tim Berners-Lee

You are reading this right now thanks to the work of Tim Berners-Lee. He is the creator of the World Wide Web, the global network that operates via the HTTP system and that ended up pushing the once obscure Internet from a niche used by super geeks and the military to the most important communication technology in history. He was knighted by Queen Elizabeth II for good reason: his work is some of the most important of the 20th Century.

Steve Jobs

Steve Jobs is an interesting person. You can’t make a list like this without including him, but his forte was not the nuts and bolts of creating hardware and software. Jobs was an idea man, a controversial visionary who could perceive new movements in consumer technology before they happened (and who was equally as adept as CREATING those movements), but who did very little actual inventing himself. Despite this, his impact on the world of computers and technology is undeniable, from the very top down to Local computer repair in Ocean County.

Bill Gates

Bill Gates has taken his share of knocks over the years thanks to the way Microsoft has done business, but one thing can’t be denied: he’s one of the most important figures in the history of home computers. This geek-turned-philanthropist has changed the way we all interact with computers, making the PC a basic staple in almost every home in America, helping us get comfortable with the Internet, and much more. Love him or hate him, the man is a giant.

Ralph H. Baer

You probably only know his name if you’re a serious tech geek who does Ocean County local computer repair, but you certainly know his work. Baer is often called The Father of Video Games. In the 1960s, he developed early prototype video game consoles, and then the Magnavox Odyssey, the very first home video game console. He also created Table Tennis, a video game that was later adapted into Pong, which changed the face of home entertainment forever. He’d go on to create other inventions, too, such as the famous “Simon” game. You may not know his name, but you should.

Nolan Bushnell

Bushnell is more than just an engineer whose early work helped build the video game industry and turn it into the mainstream success it is today, he’s also a hard-working entrepreneur whose hands have been in all sorts of things. He founded Atari, and he also founded Chuck E. Cheese! If that isn’t a diverse body of work, nothing is.