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Deterioration of the mattress will accelerate as a result of algae growth within the mattress.  Algae growth can result in hardening and cracking of the vinyl material from which the water bed mattress is made.To maintain your water bed mattress, you simply need to add eight ounces of high quality, multipurpose water bed conditioner to the water in your mattress once every eighteen months.  The best place to find high quality water bed conditioner is from a water bed dealer.Proper Water Level MaintenanceKeeping the water level in your water bed mattress is an important part of proper water bed maintenance. Overfilling and under filling can both result in damage to your water bed mattress. A mattress that has been overfilled is subject to stretch out.  As the vinyl stretches, pressure will be placed on the seams that can cause it to weaken.Additionally, water bed frames are designed to support the weight of properly filled water bed mattresses.  A water bed mattress that has been over filled weighs more than it should.  Therefore, additional stress is placed on the water bed frame.  When the water bed frame is under excess stress, its ability to properly support the mattress is diminished.  Damage to the hardware that keeps the frame together also can occur as a result of excess water in the water bed mattress.

An under filled water bed mattress can result in excess stress being placed on the water bed heater that can cause it to overheat. An adverse effect of an overheated water bed heater is damage to the vinyl material that comes in contact with the heater.One way to determine if your water bed mattress is filled to an appropriate level involves placing a broom handle across one of the corners of your water bed mattress frame. As the mattress begins to fill, watch the frame. You will know that it is time turn off the water supply when the handle lifts off the frame as a result of the expansion of your water bed mattress. This might not be the most scientific way to be certain your water bed mattress is filled to the correct level, but it is an easy and accurate way to be sure.

Amusement parks are designed to be a combination of thrills, chills, and delights for crowds across the world every summer. Amusement park amenities range from larger-than-life roller coasters to stages that house performers to benches surrounding the park for tired visitors to take a break. When it comes to amusement park maintenance, visitor safety should be the most important topic.Nearly 300 million people visit the over 400 theme parks in the United States every year.61 of the 1,145 ride-related injuries reported in 2011 were considered serious, therefore requiring an overnight hospital stay and creating liability issues for the park.All amusement parks need constant facility maintenance in order to function to its highest capacity and to limit liability claims from park accidents that could occur due to faulty equipment. Below are some tips and reasons for consistent park maintenance.

All attractions should be inspected and undergo preparations for weather changes such as cold weather, snow, ice, and rain to prevent corrosion. CMMS