Mexican Candy

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The "authority" asks the group to discuss how many candy pieces are in the jar.When the "authority" thinks s/he knows how many candy pieces are in the jar, the "authority" announces her decision to the group. This is not consensus or majority vote- the leader has full responsibility and makes the decision s/he thinks is best.5. A minority of group members makes the decision. I appoint an executive committee of two members. The committee meets away from the group to decide how many candy pieces are in the jar. They announce their decision to the group.6. Majority vote. Each group member estimates the number of candy pieces in the jar, and the group then votes on which estimate is to be its decision. When the majority of members agree on an estimate, the group decision is made.7. Consensus.All members of the group participate in a discussion as to how many candy pieces are in the jar. They are told to discuss the issue until all members of the group can live with and support the group's estimate.The group is expected to follow these guidelines:1. Avoid arguing blindly for your own opinions. Present your position as clearly and logically as possible, but listen to other members' reactions and consider them carefully before you press your point.2. Avoid changing your mind only to reach agreement and avoid conflict. Support only solutions with which you are at least somewhat able to agree. Yield only to positions that have objective and logically sound foundations.3. Avoid conflict-reducing procedures such as majority voting, tossing a coin, averaging, and bargaining.4. Seek out differences of opinion. They are natural and expected. Try to involve everyone in the decision process. Disagreements can improve the group's decision because they present a wide range of information and opinions, thereby creating a better chance for the group to hit upon more adequate solutions.5. Do not assume that someone must win and someone must lose when discussion reaches a stalemate. Instead, look for the next most acceptable alternative for all members.6. Discuss underlying assumptions, listen carefully to one another, and encourage the participation of all members.When an estimate is agreed on, all members then complete the post decision questionnaire.

The individual members of each group discuss their ratings for the questions on the Post Decision Questionnaire, using a 9-point scale (where 1 is "not at all" and 9 is "completely.") Each group then creates a group composite of the ratings for each question.The questions are:1. How understood and listened to did you feel in your group?2. How much influence do you feel you had in your group's decision-making?3. How committed do you feel to the decision your group made?4. How much responsibility do you feel for making the decision work?5. How satisfied do you feel with the amount and quality of your participation in your group's decision making?6. Write one adjective that describes the atmosphere in your group during the decision-making.The groups report their estimate, as well as composite ratings and adjectives, all of which I enter into a ratings table on a flipchart. I do recommend that they share their bounty with the other participants to ensure peace and harmony in the classroom! Mexican Candy