Tourism and Terrorism
The country lies on the Mediterranean coast and has a very pleasant climatic conditions for mass recreational and cultural tourism(there are many historical sites and monuments), but the constant political tension and instability,the numerous suicidal attacks on public buildings, murders etc repel tourists. In their minds the name 'Israel' always will be associated with these things. Feeling threatened to loose their lives they will avoid this destination or visit it rarely. Similar example are the countries in Norther n Africa where a strong Islamic fundamentalism exists. Terrorism has a strong negative impact even in countries where there is a stable political system and strong traditions in the field of democracy. The collapse of the two twin towers in USA at 11th September 2001 was a major hit for the economy of USA and its tourism. The fear of more terrorist strikes caused many tourists,who intended to visit USA to cancel their trips. That reflected and enhanced the effect of the economic slump, which followed.
Statistical research reveals,that tourists react very sensitively to such calamities when making their choice of a tourist destination. A single terrorist attack can have a strong influence in a tourist spot or a whole tourist country. Where terrorist actions take lives of tourists the recovery of tourism is very difficult. . In Spain the renewed terrorist activity of the Basque separatists,deviated many tourists to the neighbouring destinations. The freedom of movement and restricted visa limitations for tourist travelers make it easy for terrorists disguised as tourists,to penetrate in a a certain tourist spot. A fresh example of that kind of terrorism is Egypt. Two years ago a bus full of tourists visiting the Pyramids was blown up by suicide terrorists,which merged with the crowd. As a result of that the tourism demand for Egypt dropped dramatically and the whole image of the country as a tourist destination was ruined. All these examples come to show how destructive the international terrorism may be not only for tourism but the whole economy and reputation of the country on the international stage.
That is why an international cooperation in the field of politics is needed to offset the negative consequences and if possible to prevent any future terrorist acts. The war against terror demands collective efforts of governments of all states and strong coordination between them. This will allow the terrorism to be rooted out from our modern society once and for all.
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