Chiropractic Jacksonville fl

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It is the practice of helping people who have musculoskeletal problems.This is mainly achieved by manipulating the joint or muscle in the problem area and as in my case some years ago relieving what was a very painful hip joint that had decided to stick in a certain position which made it rather difficult to walk.The chiropractor listened to what I had to say about my symptoms with a lot of understanding and empathy. He then looked at the troubled area, pushed and prodded very delicately asked me to lie on my side, the one which didn't hurt, and then he gently manoeuvred my hip from side to side and with a gentle "nudge" clicked my hip back into place with a slight ugh from me.A friend of mine who is a Chiropractor in Doncaster asked me how long ago that was so I told him it was back in 1996 when I was working in Guernsey. He said that was just about the time alternative healing was starting to be recognised by the main health authorities.

Chiropractors are specially trained people having first studied physiology, anatomy, neurology, orthopaedics, physiotherapy, nutrition and many other subjects too numerous to list here.They also study how to manipulate joints especially the spine as most of us at some time or another suffer from some form of back trouble.These courses usually take up to 4 years to complete and ends with a degree in chiropractics (Doctor of Chiropractic).Before a chiropractor is able to treat a patient he or she must first get an accurate diagnosis of the patients' problem, by talking to them and asking questions about the symptoms, how the patient came to have the problem in the first place. They should also have a good knowledge of the medical history of the patient, if there are ongoing medical issues or medications being taken.A majority of treatments are mainly to do with lower back pain which affect 4 out of 5 people and a good chiropractor can also help with issues to do with a pain in the neck (no, not the husband or wife) and also help relieve persistent headaches. Osteoarthritis sufferers have been known to benefit from slight manipulation by a chiropractor.Anyone suffering with knee injuries, ankle or foot pain and sports injury can benefit from going to a good chiropractic clinic.You do not have to wait until you have a serious problem to visit a chiropractors clinic, most practices deal with preventative treatment as well.As well as the usual manipulation of the joint and muscles some chiropractors use heat, massage and acupuncture to help relieve the stress and strain people suffer.

Chiropractors can also advise patients on matters to do with nutrition, life style and exercise but they are not allowed to prescribe any medication or do surgery.It is always advisable to consult and inform your family doctor when you are thinking of visiting a chiropractor if they haven't already pointed you in the direction of one.Always check to see if the practitioner has the Doctor of Chiropractic certificate displayed somewhere in their clinic building, usually behind reception. Plus, are they registered with British Chiropractic Association.Be aware that there are people out there posing as "qualified" chiropractic practitioners. Chiropractic Jacksonville fl