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Keep reading for a handful of real estate tips and tricks.

Use a digital camera to take pictures. Be especially diligent in photographing any flaws that exist when you move in, like cracks in the wall or stains on the carpet.

Use detailed photos to create this documentation. Your pictures should portray any damage or defect in the property. Common things you should look for include any cracks or holes in walls, and damages to the carpeting.

Location is vital to commercial real estate. When investing in a property, consider what type of neighborhood it is located in. Cross-check similar areas to see how they are growing. This research will help you figure out how the neighborhood you're considering buying commercial property in is likely to grow and change over the next several years. If you aren't comfortable with the potential growth rate or the atmosphere of the neighborhood, purchase property elsewhere.

The Net Operating Income, or NOI, is one metric you need to master for success in commercial real estate. Success means that your income outweighs your operating costs.

Queen & Sherbourne Brochure and Floor Plans Make sure that you're not asking for an unrealistic price for your property. There are many things that can impact your value greatly.

Make sure you have the right access that has utilities on commercial properties. In addition to any needs specific to the business, you will surely need to have gas, electricity, sewer and water services, and so on.

Queen & Sherbourne Floor Plans Check out where the utility hook-ups are on any commercial property. Your business has its own utility needs, but you are most likely going to need water, sewer, electric and possibly even gas.

Eliminate as many definitions of default (i.e., actions that constitute default) as possible before beginning to negotiate a lease with a new tenant. This will decrease the probability of the tenant defaulting on the lease. You want to avoid any circumstances that could lead to this occurrence.

Advertising your property to parties locally and abroad is important to ensure you get the best price possible. Too many people assume that only the locals are interested in buying property in the area. Many investors will consider purchasing a property outside their own region if the price is right.

Queen & Sherbourne Call For Details Today Ask your broker to explain the methods he uses to negotiate deals before hiring him. Ask what kind of training and experience they have. Make sure they are knowledgeable about finding good deals and that they are ethical in all their business dealings. Inquire if they can provide any documentation exampling their previous negotiations, both ones successful and otherwise.

If you are thinking about commercial real estate investing, consider the many tax breaks you will receive. You will get good tax breaks for interest and also benefits for depreciation. There is also "phantom income", which is taxed by the government although not received by the investor as cash. You have to keep all of this in mind before you start to invest in real estate.

Consult with your tax adviser prior to purchasing any property. Not only can your tax adviser help you determine the total cost of your potential investment, but he can provide you information about the taxes on your investment and advise you about deductions you may be entitled to.