Review: What Are Tradelines?

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You may be asking yourself, “What are tradelines?” For the most part, tradelines are credit card accounts. The amount, quality and health of the tradelines on your credit report are positively correlated to your credit score. If there are several tradelines on your credit report with clean repayment histories, high credit limits, and low balances, you probably have a high credit score. Unfortunately, the converse is also true: poor repayment histories, low credit limits, and high balances typically result in low credit scores. What Company Should I Buy My Tradelines From? There are many companies out there that sell tradelines, but you need to be careful. However, many companies carry surety bonds and insurance. Well, is a light in the darkness. It does offera lowest-price guarantee. It carries a $10,000 surety bond and a $1.5 million insurance policy. Also, it offers the highest quality tradelines in the business. What Is a Good Tradeline? Please take a look below at tradeline characteristics that you should consider when choosing a tradeline. • A clean repayment history and a debt ratio below 10% are essential. There cannot be any 30-, 60-, or 90-day late payments on the account. Also, the outstanding balance on the account cannot be more than 10% of the credit limit. Reputable sellers of tradelines like guarantee that all of its tradelines satisfy both of these fundamental requirements. • An old account, older than 2 years, is another important factor. A recent Top Tradelines review shows that it offers several tradelines younger than 2 years. Usually, the relatively young tradelines on are counterbalanced with fairly high credit limits. • As a general rule, the higher the credit limit on a tradeline, the better it is. This is especially true for the tradelines on because the company guarantees that all of its tradelines have a debt ratio below 10%. Of course, the more of these favorable characteristic the tradeline has, the higher the purchase price. So you need to do a kind of cost-benefit analysis for yourself and determine the best use of your money.