Funny Jokes

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Whatever is a conversation without funny jokes? Adding funny elements in conversations is one effective treat in keeping people engaged in a conversation. It works like caffeine. It stimulates everybody's senses. It makes us think. It pushes us to best one another with a better joke.The act of creating a funny joke is fail-safe. You can do no wrong in attempting to create or narrate a story with the intension of making people laugh. The general response for jokes would be laughter if not a slight twitch of smile on the face of onlookers or listeners. If a joke did not get any response, the joke is called flat. But even flat jokes make people laugh as much as funny jokes do. You see, no one can do wrong in making his own versions of jokes. It even does not have rules or methods to follow. Just follow your thoughts, stay with it, make fun with it and narrate it. Surely, your thoughts will work out a funny joke.We have seen enough movies to see that funny guys get the pretty ladies and funny men end up lucky. Even funny cartoon characters are given happy endings. We have seen enough reality show to say that the key to being famous is by being featured in a funny video. Being funny is the key to getting a head in life people! Now there's a simple funny joke.

Creating and delivering a funny joke is an innate ability that humans have, although some chose not to explore those innate skills. A good joke can simply be created by just telling an honest story about your life. As the cliché goes, "be yourself". Don't be afraid to make fun of yourself once in a while. Life was not created to get people uptight. Just lay back and let your thoughts flow. Engage some friends in a simple conversation and start talking. You'll be surprised; the jokes will just roll out of your mouth.

Yes! There's a myth going around which says humor can't be studied--you need to be born naturally funny. It's something you either know or you don't. Everyone else says just by watching witty things, like watching funny YouTube videos or reading funny articles or blog posts or watching funny TV shows will make you become a witty person.While beneficial, this isn't the case right?Consider if this applied to other skills in life. Do you learn how to draw simply by visiting an art gallery and taking a look at the paintings? Or learn how to play the guitar by listening to a guitar solo? This logic clearly doesn't apply for these talents, and that's why it doesn't make any sense when you're thinking of figuring out how to be funny either. Just understanding what's funny doesn't necessarily make you funny.People today who have attempted to be funny by making a joke and receive unfavorable feedback have it far worse. Once you have a random quiz prepared for new people you meet, you're behaving kind of like a talk-show host, so disarm people and get them to open up about themselves. funny