Melco USB Upgrade
Revision as of 21:31, 30 September 2013 by TheEmbroideryWarehouse (talk | contribs)
The Melco USB upgrade uses the Floppy To USB device
This can be a replacement for the Ethernet system and the floppy drive that Melcos typically use.
The first step it to verify that the Melco machine has the connectors for a floppy drive. If the machine already has a floppy drive, then the drive model USB-A001 from
The connectors are located on the main mother board. On EMC single heads, this board is located behind the left hand side plastic cover. On 4 heads, this board is at the back of the machine underneath the covers.
If the Melco machine is a black head Tajima type, then the floppy to USB will not work.
The Floppy to USB can replace:
- Premier Keyboards
- Melco Floppy Disks
- Melco Ethernet System