How To Get A Medical Cannabis Card In Connecticut

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Have you ever had to go in for surgery? Or maybe had a tooth pulled? Initially, you observe the doctor and gain trust in him. After all, he did spend years in medical school and had the proper training. After your subconscious marijuana delivery approves of him, the doctor would perform services to "fix" your problems. What happens after? For millions, this is the start of a downward spiral on the path called addiction.Usually you would have some form of anesthesia to help numb you from the pain during the procedure. After discharge, you would get a little slip with scribble on it to hand to a pharmacist. This is where you take over control from your doctor or nurse on how many prescription pain pills you are going to be taking per day. As the days go by, your tolerance level heightens. So, you justify that by thinking that the purpose of these pills is to relieve pain, what's the harm in increasing your dosage? Your doctor would do the same right?Let the doctor do the prescribing. "Why?" you may ask, because, this is where most people start destroying their lives. In some cases, this is where a person ends up dead. Your dreams and aspirations for becoming that small business owner, chef, firefighter, body-builder or to get that promotion at work diminishes. Your "All-American" family fantasy slips further and further away. All of these goals were put aside because now your main priority is to get your morning dose of OxyContin, roxicodone, hydrocodone, etc.

Addicts start having feelings of becoming agitated without their daily doses. Depression sinks in and usually there are bouts of anxiety. These are symptoms of addiction. Yes, in some cases, they are problems of their own. However, you should learn the difference between an actual disorder and a symptom of dependency. If you are leaning more toward the latter, the best way to combat that issue is to solve the dependency problem itself rather than treating the symptoms. In most cases, treating the symptoms can cause more severe symptoms to appear. These can be even more dangerous and addictive themselves.Drug abuse can be in the form of taking much more than prescribed, self-medicating, or simply taking the same amount as prescribed initially, but for a longer period than needed. There is also the form of binging. Binging is a period, usually brief, of excessive indulgence. This is where it is not a daily routine, but more of a weekend or the occasional extreme use. This is just as deadly as the other forms of addiction. Usually, when a person is buying prescription pain medication from the streets, they will find that heroin is stronger and yet cheaper. A good sign that a person is headed down this route is if they are crushing, snorting or injecting the pills into their veins.When stopping use of a substance, it may take anywhere from an hour or up to several days before the withdrawal symptoms start becoming a nuisance. During this time, pain medication can cause bodily aches and pains, nausea, vomiting, insomnia, lethargy (lack of energy, tiredness, lack of enthusiasm) and sweating. At this point, as we went over earlier, agitation, anxiety and depression also come into play.