5 Reasons Why Social Media Is Crucial For SEO

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What does social media have to relate to SEO? At MWI we hear these questions frequently from our customers who are currently or are considering becoming clients. Social media is an incredibly expanding marketing channel that many businesses have only recently begun taking advantage of in the past few years. However, it's very important to leverage when you're investing resources in search engine optimization. While the benefits of using social media may not seem immediately apparent, they are crucial for SEO support. Here are five reasons social media is essential for SEO.

1) Social Media Signals
It's no secret that Google, Bing and other major search engines have been using online conversations as part of their ranking algorithms for quite some years now. If people tweet, شراء لايكات فيسبوك share, like, comment or share a piece of content that is known as a social engagement. The more social engagements a piece of content receives, the more social signals you can build for your website. Search engines look at these social signals, and شراء لايكات فيسبوك use them as a quality factor when ranking content. This is a way for search engines to know what people find most useful and what algorithm they believe to be high-quality. If the content you're looking at has a high amount of social shares it will be immediately indexed.

2) Link Building
It's long gone from the time that you could make a request for links from other websites. With the emergence of Google's Panda and Penguin algorithms SEOs are now forced to build links by hand - create high quality content that is worthy of linking. How can you get your content to websites that are willing to link to your website, even if asking them directly would be thought to be "unnatural"? Social media is your solution. Social media lets you expose your content to appropriate audiences that are willing to link to it, in the event that it's worth linking to. These people may also connect your content to their friends which increases the power of your content.

3.) Amplification of content
No matter how top-quality your content is, it will not gain traction until you amplify it. Email marketing is an effective way to boost content, but it'll only reach those in your database of marketing. You can also reach new audiences via social media. When you share your content, those who follow you will also connect with their friends when they are satisfied with the content. This will cause them to be able to share it with their followers which will increase the reach of your content. In return, you will gain an abundance of relevant traffic including inbound links, branding awareness and social signals All of these are utilized by search engines to assess the quality of your content.

content amplification lifecycle

4) Brand Awareness & Signals
Search engines will use your brand's image and recognition to judge the quality of your site and how reliable it ought to be when they rank it in their algorithms. In addition to boosting your content, social media also helps build brand awareness. This is what Google refers to as co-citation. Building these co-citations using social media can improve Google's trust in your website , and will also help with branded search queries.

5) Social Indexing
Since the search engines index social media sites and display them in search results pages. This allows your company to show up on search results when you type in branded searches on more than just your company website. It's more than that. Tweets on their own from Twitter could be indexed and were displayed in search results. This allowed your site to rank higher in search. The program was only temporary, however, and Google stopped it after a couple of months. Google will once again show tweets in search results, so it's important to leverage it for getting your content ranked.