Backyard Medicine: Medicinal Plants of the Sonoran Desert

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However, lemon balm is best known to treat cold sores associated by the herpes simplex virus. Extracts, used as a cream, helps lesions heal faster and extends the time between outbreaks.St. John's Wort: is reputed to be an astringent, nervine and is very aromatic. Useful in coughs, colds and all lung diseases, it also is highly esteemed in the disorder of the urinary passages. The ointment is serviceable for bruises, scratches and insect bites. St. John's wort is especially known as a treatment for depression and insomnia and now shows promise as a treatment for nervousness and anxiety.Valerian: has an antispasmodic effect for the treatment of epilepsy. Studies show that this herb is a safe, effective alternative to prescription sleeping pills and tranquilizers. It allays pain and promotes sleep and is strongly nervine without any narcotic effects.

There are natural remedies for many ailments such as acne, eczema, rheumatoid arthritis, asthma, hay fever, chronic fatigue and migraines. Many other serious illnesses can be cured through natural alternatives.ADHD (DEFC disorder of attention and hyperactivity) can be treated with plants such as ginkgo Biloba, the Scutellaria, chamomile, hawthorn and lobelia.Anxiety can be treated with plants such as fennel, hops, MotherWort (Canadian plant) and essential oils, lavender, sandalwood or bergamot based.

Depression can be treated with natural remedies, such as capsules of St. John's Wort and Ginkgo Biloba.The Aloe Vera is a plant with many virtues. It can be used to heal burns, frostbite, sunburn, wounds, psoriasis, allergies and skin reactions. Its oral use has beneficial effects in the treatment of constipation, diabetes, ulcers, and Crohn's disease.Because of the complexity characterizing the industrialized herbal medicines, due to the different combinations of chemicals and active ingredients attached to them, you could experience unexpected or unwanted results when you combine them with traditional medicine. It is extremely important to know the potential interactions of herbs you ingest. Therefore, it is better to use herbal preparations made up by qualified professionals. (homeopath, naturopath , etc )

The research continues to show the value of medicinal plants in the treatment and prevention of diseases and herbal medicine is increasingly recognized by the general consensus. However, the curative potential of thousands of plants, especially in remote areas of the world is far from being proven and suffers from a lack of documentation. Consequently, the possibilities remain so endless.

The desert may be a dry and desolate place however the plants that have adapted to the arid climate produce very potent medicine. Some plants have multiple medicinal qualities and uses. Listed below are 6 common plants with the medicinal properties that can be found in the desert.1. Brittle Bush:

  • The dried blossoms can be used in a salve or liquid extract as an analgesic (pain reliever ).
  • A tea made from the dried leaves and flowers can be used as a mouth wash for tooth and gum pain due to the slight numbing effect.Fun Fact: Cowboys that would graze cattle in the west would use the stem of the Brittle Bush plant as a toothbrush.

2. Take caution when in the desert by always wearing protective clothing and drinking lots of water. where to buy marijuana seeds