Best Dentist in Encino

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Among my pet peeves as being a dentist is hearing folks who suffer from braces say that their dentist exclaimed that they are not just a candidate for Invisalign! My training and my experiences are that Invisalign actually works better than braces. Most doctors tell their patients that they're “not a candidate” for Invisalign for 1 of 2 reasons. To start, they're old fashioned, don’t hold the training or don’t learn how to even take action. 2nd reason is that they can’t contend with dentists who Invisalign to get a cheaper price. They are so used to doing braces to the price which it annoys these to must share profits with Invisalign. What do i mean?? Well, for the Cosmetic Dentistry in Encino or orthodontist to complete braces materials cost nothing. Once they do Invisalign, they must pay a huge lab fee (about half of the items these are charging you). That’s why they would rather not do Invisalign. It’s the ugly truth.

Several words about Invisalign competitors (i.e. clear correct). They're not there yet using their customer satisfaction, their training, and their technology. They simply can’t depend on date using their technology due to the fact Invisalign carries a few patents they can’t use. The patents aren't expired however rely on the following 12 months they will be open for others to utilize. Once the patents are let go of on many of the advancements it could best for use those labs because they definitely do are less expensive. But fo the time being, Invisalign is the name with the game!