Binary options trading

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A puppy broker is someone who purchases bulk "lots" of animals to re-sell instead of breeding dogs within their own kennels. Since these dogs are not seen in pet stores, they can be passed off as quality dogs, or from champion lines, or whatever the puppy brokers wishes the buyer to believe. Someone selling an entire litter which they did not themselves breed is likely selling puppy mill animals. A reputable, contentious breeder would never sell puppies in bulk or in "lots".Puppy brokers, also known as puppy mill representatives, know well how to market themselves to potential buyers and will prey upon an individual's lack of knowledge. They will pass themselves off as persons who care about the dogs and wish to protect the integrity of a given breed.Import BrokersA trend among puppy brokers is to present dogs as quality imports which come from "healthier, studier" European lines. Such claims of lines being healthier are often false and these may be dogs purchased from overseas puppy mills. The only way to safeguard against possible medical problems is screening for genetic defects within a breeder's program. Ask for health clearances and get them in writing.

The actual trip from Europe is very hard on the dogs. It is now being said that for every three dogs imported in this manner, two die. Many die either in flight or shortly after arrival. Stories of puppies dying shortly after being purchased are far to numerous.How to Identify a Puppy BrokerThere are two factors which allow a puppy broker to do business: your ignorance and your impatience to have a dog of a certain breed. If you want a quality, healthy dog, do not allow these things to be used against you! Educate yourself and be patient! You could pay for your impatience for the next 15 years.What to Look For:Puppy brokers always have dogs available. How is this? If they don't have one in stock for you today, they will have one for you shortly. They just happen to know of a great litter from champion lines about to be ready for new homes! Use common sense! Breeding is not an overnight process! Quality breeders have waiting lists for their dogs and puppies are often sold prior to the actual birth. How has this broker found you such a great dog on such short notice?Meet the Dam Always meet the dam of a litter and pick the puppy up on location where the dogs are kenneled/live. If a seller will not allow you to go to the actual property where the dogs live, be very suspicious. If they hesitate to allow you to meet the dam, they either have not bred the dogs themselves or the dam is not who they claim. The sire is commonly not on property, but you always have the right to contact the sire's owners. Be warned: they will go out of their way to cover the fact they themselves are not the actual breeder of a litter and may outright lie about this.Champion Dog Lines - Maybe Not Do your research, ask breed/sport/show clubs, which often have online forums, and make an educated decision on where your puppy will be coming from. binary options trading, binary options brokers, binary options reviews