Free Dating

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Yes, she is adventurous! She lives life to the fullest and thinks of the consequences later, if ever! So go ahead and ask her for a last-minute date. The worst she can say is "I have plans" (and she'll actually have them!)

It's fascinating that in a society dominated by the family unit, the Italian woman often chooses to live together instead of marrying. This is due to many reasons that go beyond the scope of this article, however suffice to say that divorces can take several years in Italy, if not more, and that many Italians prefer not to have children, which raises the question "Why get married?" Doesn't seem very traditional, right? Well if you're idea of an Italian woman is one who slaves in the kitchen and brings her man coffee in bed, you may be thinking of her mother! The Italian woman today is more like her American counterpart in that she has a career as well as personal goals and aspirations. However, she is equally fulfilled, if not more fulfilled by her family, with or without children. Given a choice between "alone time" and a family gathering, the Italian woman would most likely choose the latter. Overall, she has a good handle on the important things in life, which is rooted in her upbringing so you'll need to respect that if you're going to enter her world. Translation: Leave your Blackberry at home when you're on your date.When it comes to impressing an Italian woman, nothing works better than speaking her language. You don't have to be fluent or have good pronunciation, but knowing a few words, especially in the context of dating, will go a long way. Believe me, I've seen some of my Italian friends accept dates from American men who didn't have much going on except for the fact that they said all the right Italian! So make the effort, and if she's not impressed, you'll still be ahead of the game because you'll be able to impress an American woman the same way!If an Italian woman has accepted your proposal for a date, it's very important you dress the part. Italian women laugh at the fact that American men wear sneakers and sweatshirts when they should be wearing shoes and a button down shirt. You don't have to wear a suit, but don't show up looking like you just showered at the gym. She expects you to make as much of an effort that she made getting ready for you (sans the make-up let's hope).She's invited you to her place for dinner, now what? Keep in mind this might mean you, her and her family since it's very common for adults to live with their parents if unwed. Either way, do not go empty-handed, EVEN if she tells you not to bring anything! Bring flowers or dessert. Alternatively, if you are taking her to a restaurant, do not expect her to pay for anything. Include the most important details in the narrative and leave the rest to fall into place when the time is right if and when the relationship progresses. Just Free Date