How Cosmetic Dermatology In Sterling Heights Can Help Those With Dry Skin

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There are so many ways to have excess fatty tissue removed today. There are lasers that can break down someone?s fat cells and help someone achieve the figure they desire. There are liposuction procedures that can suck the fat out of someone?s body. And now, there is coolsculpting. Those who are thinking about having this procedure done should find a place that offers dermatology in Sterling Heights so they can attain the body of their dreams.

What is Coolsculpting?

Many people have no idea what this form of fat reduction is because they have never heard of it before. It?s fairly new, but it?s the science of using cold and freezing to eliminate fat cells. Doctors first noticed that it was possible to do this because children that ate popsicles at a young age would develop dimples in their cheeks. The same reaction that happens there is used in the coolsculpting technology to remove excess fatty tissue from a patient?s body.

There are times when a patient tries their hardest to lose weight, and they actually do very well at reaching their goals. They will lose overall weight and the scale will say they are dropping pound after pound. However, some of those remaining pounds may be stuck in areas that make the patient uncomfortable. This is where coolsculpting can come in handy. It?s a non-invasive procedure that doesn?t require any down time, and it is scientifically proven to provide real, lasting results.

What basically happens in a coolsculpting session is the fat cells in a patient?s body are crystallized using the special tool to cause this to happen. Once the fat cells have been frozen, they will eventually die and become inactive. At this point, they are reabsorbed into the patient?s body and disposed of naturally. Most patients that opt for this fat reduction procedure require more than one treatment, but it won?t leave any type of scarring and the results can easily be maintained.

What do People Think About it?

Those who are interested in this method of fat removal are probably wondering what people who have already had it done think about the procedure. The vast majority of patients have reported that they were beyond happy with the results that the procedure provided them with. While there were some complaints about minor discomfort during the treatment and of swelling afterward, the general consensus is that it?s a simple procedure that?s very beneficial. People who were looking to trim a little fat off of their tummy or their arms have been able to do so without leaving scars on their body.

Those who are thinking about this procedure and want to know more about it can make an appointment with a doctor that practices dermatology in Sterling Heights. They will be more than happy to talk with a potential patient about any of their concerns, and they can also tell them if they are eligible for it in the first place. As with laser fat removal, this fat reduction procedure is not supposed to be used by people who are cosmetic dermatology Sterling Heights overly obese.