How Crowdfunding Assists Startups

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If you are not familiar to the concept, Crowdfunding is an alternative way to improve funds from a huge number of individuals via the internet. Almost all you need to do is prepare a campaign and upload it on a crowdfunding website and make it viral with the aid of social media. People who really care about your task and finds interest in the same will add to it. In go back, they may get a prize or equity as the case may be. As there are many types of crowdfunding, two of them which fit best for online companies are: 1. Reward structured Crowdfunding - Under this type of crowdfunding, the backer gets a prize in return for his contribution. This reward could be a handwritten thank-you note or the early bird personalized product itself. It depicts the honor of the project owner towards the backer, these are those techniques that money can't buy and provides a special feeling to the backer. 2. Equity-based Crowdfunding - Here, people who contribute to your campaign would receive equity/shares of the company in return. With this non-traditional technique of raising cash, the financial woes of entrepreneurs are lowering. They now do not have to knock the doorway of investors, pitching and convincing them till the end. You do not need to be frantic and giving presentations to numerous people. All you need to do is present your business well online.

Crowdfunding allows the business owners to pitch their idea to a broader audience rather than just specific investors. With social press prevailing so much nowadays, it is much simpler to find like-minded individuals to contribute to your project. Anyone can contribute to your idea; you merely have to ensure that individuals learn about your project. Therefore if you have an concept that is stuck for funding, get prepared to make it live! Get Crowdfunded!

See our web site if you have any concerns relating to funding a project.