How to Control Premature Ejaculation - 3 Biggest Myths

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A common question men ask is "What can I do to last longer in bed?"   In order to answer that question, it's helpful to address some of the biggest myths about premature ejaculation.  Myth #1: That Sprays, Creams, and Pills Will Fix Premature Ejaculation Permanently  Many guys rely on these types of artificial products. And, truth be told, I tried a desensitization spray (Stud 100) when I was first battling premature ejaculation back in my college days. To be honest, it worked a little. But it wasn't a great solution - for a couple reasons. First, it was embarrassing to use. No self-respecting man wants to have to spray himself down right before having sex. Secondly, the spray was not really a cure. It only helped to "cover up" my premature ejaculation by desensitizing me. So, the spray didn't help me solve the problem permanently.    I group all of these artificial products into the same category of "cover up" rather than "cure."  While it's good to know some "quick fixes" if you're in an emergency, I recommend steering clear of artificial products - especially pills - because you don't know what the side effects will be.   Furthermore, if you're just looking for a "quick fix," there are plenty of natural emergency tactics you can use that don't have any nasty side effects. For example, you can use extra lubrication or take your time to ejaculate before the big event, so that your body is less high-strung.   Myth #2: Ejaculating Beforehand is the Best Way to Prevent Premature Ejaculation  A lot of guys sear by this trick. And it does work. I even recommended it just a few sentences ago. But it comes with a HUGE caveat - don't do it quickly! Notice how I said "Take your time to ejaculate" - that's the key here.   Did you know that poor masturbation habits account for a significant percentage of premature ejaculation problems?    If you're one of those guys who gets busy in the bathroom for 3 minutes, you need to stop that! Instead, learn to use masturbation to train yourself to last longer. When done correctly, this is one of the best mechanisms to increase your tolerance for stimulation.   Myth #3: You Just Need One Trick, And You'll Cure Your Premature Ejaculation Problem  This may not be a myth that men consciously think or say, but it's still prevalent. The truth is, many guys rely on just one trick, such as "Chinese Brush - Does This Premature Ejaculation Cure Work? starting out slow," or the "squeeze method," or the "stop and start" technique.     But you'll have more success if you use a combination of tactics and techniques. Especially if you want to cure premature ejaculation permanently, you need to approach the problem with more determination. Rather than experimenting with a single technique you may have heard from a friend, you should take a more systematic approach.    First, you should educate yourself about the causes. Next, learn proven techniques for lasting longer. Finally train yourself and implement these techniques in a step-by-step method so that you increase your sexual stamina, permanently - in as little time and with as little effort as possible.