Leading 5 needs To Visit A Dermatologist In Sterling Heights

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Many people naturally suffer from dry skin because of their genetics. However, there are also people who deal with dry skin in the winter time because the cool air dries out their flesh more than the warm, moist air of the summer does. Dry skin is not something that people should deal with for long periods of time because it can lead to painful, irritating problems. In addition to feeling itchy all the time, it will also cause the skin to start cracking and sometimes even bleeding. There are ways that people can combat this problem on their own, and there are also things a dermatologist can do to help those who are suffering from dry skin.

Using Lotion During the Winter

One of the simplest things people can do to ensure their skin is not suffering through the winter months is to apply lotion on their bodies every day. The type of lotion a person needs to use is going to depend on the severity of their condition. While some people only need basic lotion that?s not so thick, other people may need to use something as intense as Vaseline. Those who are botox injections Grosse Pointe unsure of what type of lotion they need to be using can make an appointment with a doctor that practices cosmetic dermatology in Sterling Heights to get a professional opinion. The dermatologist will be able to examine their patient?s skin and tell them what the best option is going to be, or they will prescribe a cream to resolve their dry skin problem.

Prescription Creams to Help With Dry Skin

If a dermatologist tells their patient that something stronger than over the counter lotions is necessary, then it?s a good idea to take their advice. They have been trained to recognize certain conditions and know what to provide their patients with to stop them from getting any worse. Some of the most common prescription creams are Atopiclair topical, Lactic Acid E, and Vitamin E-grape-hyaluronate sodium topical. Each of these creams may help someone who is suffering from dry skin to some degree.

In addition to using lotions and speaking with a doctor who practices cosmetic dermatology in Sterling Heights, people can do many other things to stop their dry skin as well. Putting a humidifier in the room before sleeping, taking short showers, pat-drying instead of toweling off, and many other things can be done to minimize the problem of dry skin. Taking excessive showers will make someone feel clean, but it will definitely dry their skin out. The water and the cleaning products they use on their body will start to take a toll after some time. Frequent hand washing is another reason people suffer from dry skin, especially during the winter. Those who want to wash their hands regularly should find a moisturizing hand sanitizer instead of using soap and water all the time.