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Try imagining yourself as a scoop of melting ice cream under the hot sun, or lying in a hot bath while your stresses wash down the drain. Another great way to wash away the stress is to let your imagination take you to a calm soothing place while taking long deep breaths.

Practice preventative health care maintenance, and give yourself fewer reasons to stress-out! Questions regarding your health can be nerve-wracking, along with not taking preventive measures for your health that can harm you later. Get regular physicals and screenings so you can stay healthy, happy, and stress-free.

If you use negative habits as a method to deal with stress, focus on developing more positive, healthier habits to engage in instead. When you normally overeat, try running or jogging. By swapping negative methods of handling stress with healthier, more positive ones you will maintain the strength to enable you to deal with stress in your daily activities.

There's nothing like a bit of exercise to help you battle stress. This won't always bring an instant result, but it is part of a long-term plan that pays off in the long run. This will help you get rid of your stress and help you control your life.

Sometimes it helps to get your thoughts out in the open when you're trying to relieve stress, so write them down. If you are uncomfortable about sharing your feelings of anxiety with others, putting your feelings down on paper can give you a sense of release and control that will help reduce the stress. Use this journal for recording present day battles with stress, and as a future reference in case you need to remind yourself how you maneuvered your way around stressful situations later.

If you can, play your favorite music at work to relieve some of your stress. Keep music low key, so as to enhance your inner calm. If you prefer upbeat music, look for something with a positive message.

Write down each and every thing that has made you laugh or smile. Your humor journal can be fun to review later, and more importantly, the very act of recording funny, positive memories will focus your mind on them and make them stick.

Playing games like Suikoden and Dragon Quest is usually a great way to get rid of stress, but if you get stuck and feel your frustration rising, you should quit for a while. Find a hobby that helps you clear your mind, rather than cause you more negative feelings.

Practicing deep breathing exercises can reduce stress. Sometimes, understanding how to breathe properly can make a significant difference in managing stress and calming someone down. This is a sure fire stress reliever and should become part of your daily routine when attempting to relax and reduce stress.

Learn to forgive others if you want to reduce the stress in your life. When you obsess over the wrongs that others have done, it will cause your day to be much worse.

If you are stressed while out and about, trying having a drink of fruit juice or munching on some citrus fruit. Vitamin C also fights off mild, stressful illnesses like colds and coughs.

Living under the burden of stress is a hardship. It causes you to snap into anger, become frustrated, and annoy the people around you. Interestingly, stress is an unnecessary and avoidable element of your life.