Pankration: A Fighting System Based On Antiquity

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The best way to be able to defend yourself is to possess well-rounded fighting capabilities. With Pankration, you'll be able to possess such skills via learning the different combat ranges and the corresponding fighting techniques to effectively protect yourself. Pankration is not a new martial art form, however. Pankration came from Greece and it existed thousands of years ago. It vanished upon the fall of the ancient Greek civilization. In the 1970s, it was rediscovered and promoted by martial artists hoping to preserve its legacy. These days, an increasing number of folks are becoming interested in Pankration since it bears great similarity to the famous Mixed Martial Arts or MMA.

Pankration first appeared in the Olympic Games of 648 B.C. Pankration was a martial art form mixing boxing, striking, and wrestling. In the past Pankration was a sport, but it was taught to the Greek military back then too. Today, many martial artists practice Pankration for sporting activities, but they also understand its great value for self-defense. It makes for a fantastic self-defense art because it deals with numerous facets of combat. Its striking facet involves kickboxing, boxing, and close-quarter elbow and knee tactics. brooklyn karate classes for kids For its wrestling component, Pankration involves ground and standing grappling. For standing grappling, there are throws and take-downs, while ground grappling consists of escapes, pins, and submissions.

With Pankration, you are going to learn a comprehensive approach to fighting that makes certain you are capable of adapting to a wide range of different fight scenarios. Among the most awful things a fighter could go through is being taken out of his element. The most commonly cited example of this would be when a boxer is taken to the ground and cannot use his striking techniques. In this case, the match develops into wrestling and the boxer is unable to wrestle. When a person is in a dire situation and has to defend himself, he should be able to effectively protect himself, and this means not having weak spots in his self-defense techniques. By learning Pankration, it's possible to have a solid knowledge of the different fighting techniques, ensuring an extremely solid self-defense system.

An overlooked benefit to this approach is you reduce the potential to grow fatigued when guarding yourself. This is because striking techniques requires different muscle performance and stamina than grappling. When you have both striking and grappling capabilities, you've got better overall conditioning and this will enable you to perform at your peak even when the combat situation changes. Furthermore, the most impactful aspect of Pankration would be it promotes a far more offensive and aggressive approach to fighting. Lots of self-defense systems tend to be passive and reactive, but this is seldom the right approach to take if you have an aggressive attacker who is intent on doing you serious damage.

Pankration has re-emerged lately and it may be among the best fighting systems for self-defense. Although Pankration is a fighting system that's got its beginnings in antiquity, it involves techniques that can be the basis of an incredibly powerful self-defense system.