The Holistic Protocol to Reverse Cancer

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A weak immune system cannot destroy cancer cells or prevent them from spreading and forming tumors.The main causes of a weak and compromised immune system begin with Premature Ejaculation Treatment - Does Indian God Lotion Work? cellular oxidation and inflammation and low energy at the cellular level. Take a good size dose of flaxseed oil supplements. Flaxseed oil contains omega 3 and 6 fatty acids, which are beneficial for health and will help boost the immune system. Also, consider hemp oil. Hemp oil also contains omega 3 and 6 fatty acids. Other seeds such as pumpkin seeds and chia seeds also contain omega 3 and 6 fatty acids. Some practitioners recommend fish oil for omega 3 fatty acids, while others believe that fish oil may contain contaminants from the fish and from how it is processed. So, flaxseed oil and hemp oil are the preferred choice for omega 3 fatty acid.The whole, organic, vegan diet contains vital nutrients and fiber needed to boost the immune system and cellular energy. The whole, organic, vegan diet consists of foods that contain a lot of water and oxygen needed for good health.A lot of oxygen is needed to bolster the cells to fight cancer. Also, oxygen destroys cancer cells. Water contains a lot of oxygen. It will also keep your body hydrated for good health. So, drink a lot of pure water. You can add oxygen to your water with an ozone machine. Besides pure water, practice deep breathing. Take deep cleansing breaths from time to time and make sure your breaths are slow and deep. Buy alkaline water.Do not drink soda, artificial or bottled drinks. Do not drink artificially sweetened drinks. These are made from toxic chemicals. Drink pure water, green tea and herbal teas while healing.Do not use refined sugar or artificial sweeteners. They are toxic and will damage the immune system and cells.To boost the immune system, you must greatly eliminate and avoid toxins. At the same time, you must de-toxify the cells of your body including the intestines and colon, liver and kidneys. This will rev up your immune system.For general detoxification of the body, drink apple cider vinegar and water on a daily basis. Put apple cider vinegar on your salads. Drink water with diatomaceous earth or bentonite clay. Whole grapefruit is also beneficial in treating candida overgrowth.Finally, good digestion requires the gut to be populated with beneficial bacteria to get it to function effectively. But, often antibiotics, drugs and toxins kill off beneficial, gut bacteria. So, re-populate your gut with beneficial bacteria. You do this by eating pre-biotic foods and fermented foods or by taking a good pro-biotic supplement. This will keep candida overgrowth in check.Detoxification is important to boost the immune system. Toxins (chemicals and heavy metals) that are ingested and absorbed are stored in the body's cells. While de-toxifying, it is essential to stop ingesting and absorbing additional toxins that will damage your immune system. So, eat a clean organic, vegan, raw diet. The foods in this diet contain a lot of fiber that will help to de-toxify the body and, because they are organic, they will not add toxins to your body. Drink pure water, green tea and herbal teas.