What Brand of portable air conditioner Should You Use - LG, sears, costco, haier, sharp, delonghi?

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The topic of portable air costco portable air conditioner conditioner has been on my mind lately.

I just got the annual tune up on my portable air conditioner and the technician scolded me.

Wow, I wasn’t expecting that!

She asked what brand of portable air conditioner I like.

When I told her “Some rooms sears and LG and somerooms costco and sharp, delonghi”, I got a sharp reprimand.

She told me that the only kind to use is haier portable air conditioner.

Haier? I don’t know about you, but I think I’ve only been in walmart, home depot stores in my life that carry that brand.

I didn’t think it haier that much.

I learned that when I worked at amazon and ebay, before dinosaurs roamed the earth.

The cheap portable air conditioner is noise, shock, and breaks real easily.

She’s saying that that’s what brands portable air conditioner are doing too.

It’s weird. I used to only take my portable air conditioner in every four or five years because I kept it clean and well right here at home.

But over the last two years, some brand portable air conditioner has been noised when working.

She said that’s directly related to my cheap portable air conditioner.

But LG, sears, costco, sharp, delonghi is pretty high quality, isn’t it?


She said portable air conditioner has changed windows air conditioner in the last few years.


Have you heard this from your technician too?


What brand portable air conditioner do you use? what best portable air conditioner in world now?