Template:Unreferenced section

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{{ safesubst:#ifeq:Template|Template



|{{#if:Unreferenced section
 |{{#invoke:Error|error|Template {{{{#if: |subst:}}Unreferenced section{{#if:  ||{{{2}}}}}{{#if:  ||{{{3}}}}}{{#if:  ||{{{4}}}}}{{#if:  ||{{{5}}}}}{{#if:  ||{{{6}}}}}{{#if:  ||{{{7}}}}}{{#if:  ||{{{8}}}}}{{#if:  ||{{{9}}}}}{{#if: ||{{{10}}}}}{{#if: ||{{{11}}}}}{{#if: ||}}}} has been incorrectly substituted.|tag=}}


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 |speedy = speedy
 |delete = delete
 |content = content
 |style = style
 |move = move
 |protection = protection
 |notice|#default = notice
}} ambox-Unreferenced
|style = 
|textstyle  = 
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|talk = {{#switch:¬
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 |         = {{#ifeq:{{ safesubst:#if: {{ safesubst:#switch: 
|Category = 


 | {{ safesubst:#titleparts:{{ safesubst:#if:|{{{1}}}|Template:Unreferenced section}}|1}}
 | {{ safesubst:#if:|{{{1}}}|Template:Unreferenced section}}

}}|Template:Unreferenced section|#}}

 |#default = {{{talk}}}
|issue = {{#switch:¬
 |¬ = 
 |  = This article
 |This {{{sect}}}
}} This section does not cite any references or sources. 
|fix = Please help {{#ifeq:section|section|improve this section|improve this article}} by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed.
|date = {{#switch:
 |¬        = 
 |         = {{#ifeq:{{ safesubst:#if: {{ safesubst:#switch: 
|Category = 


 | {{ safesubst:#titleparts:{{ safesubst:#if:|{{{1}}}|Template:Unreferenced section}}|1}}
 | {{ safesubst:#if:|{{{1}}}|Template:Unreferenced section}}

}}|Template:Unreferenced section|February 2025}}

 |#default = 
|info = 


 {{#ifeq:  | true
 | dontcat    
 }}{{#ifeq:  | no
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 }}{{#switch: ¬
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     | subpage
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| basepage =

| subpage = dontcat

| subsubpage = dontcat


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     | subpage
     | basepage
 | {{#if:{{#titleparts:Template:Unreferenced section|0|3}}
   | subsubpage    
   | {{#if:{{#titleparts:Template:Unreferenced section|0|2}}
     | subpage
     | basepage

| basepage = dontcat

| subpage = | subsubpage = }}


| |

   {{#ifeq:  | false
   | {{#ifeq:  | yes
     | {{#ifeq:  | yes
       | {{#if:x   


     {{#if:{{#titleparts:{{#if:|  | Template:Unreferenced section }}|0|2}}


 | hide = 
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   {{#ifeq: h0#384!5nea+w9 |  {{#if:Articles {{#ifeq:section|section|needing additional references|lacking sources}}
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 |[[Category:Articles {{#ifeq:section|section|needing additional references|lacking sources}}]]

}}{{#if:All articles {{#ifeq:section|section|needing additional references|lacking sources}}

|[[Category:All articles {{#ifeq:section|section|needing additional references|lacking sources}}]]


 |{{#ifexist:Category: from |




 |{{#ifexist:Category: from |




     {{#invoke:Namespace detect|main}}
     {{#iferror: {{#expr: 1 + {{#invoke:Namespace detect|main}} }} 

| {{#invoke:Namespace detect|main}} | }}



|{{subst:Unsubst|Unreferenced|1|section|name|Unreferenced section|small|¬|date| }}


{{#invoke:documentation|main|_content={{ {{#invoke:documentation|contentTitle}}}}}}